Board of Directors Update: Welcome (back) to Lynne Schriver-Sheedy

12 Sep 2021 by Ginny Moran

Thank you all for your nominations to fill our open board position. We are pleased to let you all know that co-founder Lynne Schriver-Sheedy will be stepping in to fill the role of chair-elect and serve as chair in 2022.

Lynne served on our 2019 Board of Directors, and as one of the founders of our club, brings that history and collective vision to our Board. Many of you know her as our team manager, organizing so many details of our first (and only, so far) festival appearance at the Lake Superior Dragon Boat Festival in 2019.

This is a change from what we were originally soliciting, to fill the position opened by Kate Foley’s resignation earlier this summer and serve as chair for the next two years as I step down. Lynne will be filling instead the remainder of Joe Yasis’ vacated position. At the same time, your Board of Directors has been reviewing our bylaws and is making changes to the terms for our Executive Committee officers, changing them from three years to two years. After living with our initial bylaws now for about three years, we feel this is a more reasonable expectation for volunteers, while still providing for the continuity we need. As we finalize the language, we will share this information with you all.

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